Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Thank You!

I would like to take a moment to thank all of the fire fighters who have helped pull out trucks, gave tours, and educated me on every thing I know about fire trucks. These include Newberg Fire and Rescue engineer Brent for pulling out his trucks for me, TVF&R fire fighters Kevin, Don, and Johnson for giving me a ride on Truck 51, and a special thanks to Portland Airport Fire and Rescue lieutenant Tracie for spending over an hour showing me her station, teaching me, and especially for taking me on a ride on their biggest truck and teaching me how to operate the hose.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Airport Fire departments

Airport fire departments operate very differently from regular fire departments. They are usually stationed at the edge of the airport grounds and respond not only at the airport but in the surrounding area as well. Airport fire stations are very large because they carry some of the biggest fire trucks you will ever see. They carry many different types of fire trucks depending on their location. on this post I will talk about the types of trucks at the station that I went to, Portland airport fire and rescue.

Engine 80

PAF&R carries a paramedic engine just like most other fire stations. However in airport fire fighting they are referred to as structual pumpers. They work just like a regular fire engine and respond to the same types of calls.

Rescue 880

Rescues ( Medic units )  Respond to Medical calls and can  transport patients from the airport to the hospital when Requested by the ambulance service. They respond to every medical call and are staffed by two paramedics.

ARFF truck 85

ARFF truck 86

ARFF truck 87
The control board inside ARFF truck 87

Aircraft rescue firefighting trucks (ARFF) are stationed at every airport fire station around the world. They come in various sizes and respond to plane crashes and airport fires. ARFF trucks carry three types of liquid for putting out plane fires: water, foam, and halon. ARFF trucks can carry up to four people but takes only one person to operate it. inside the trucks are cameras for sensing heat, and communication equipment so the crew can receive calls, communicate with air traffic control, and talk to one another.

Heavy Squad 881

Command center inside squad 881

Squads are used at airports for advanced medical calls and disaster rescue incidents. They also have a command center behind the cab for controlling large scale calls and disasters. See my post on heavy squads for more information.

Utility 806

PAF&R also responds to water rescue calls because they are stationed very close to the Columbia River. Their boat is kept at the docks so the fire fighters respond in a special truck called a Utility vehicle.

PAF&R also have several reserve units.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Water Tenders

Fire engines have to attach special hoses to fire hydrants to get water so they can put out fires, but in some places like on farms or in forests, there are no fire hydrants to hook up to! In these cases, firefighters will bring special, two person engines called water tenders.

Water Tender 34B at TVF&R Station 34

These engines carry over 3,000 gallons of water and serve as mobile fire hydrants on brush fires, and other calls where fire hydrants are scarce.


HAZMAT 34 at TVF&R Station 34
Hazardous materials response team units or HAZMAT trucks are special trucks that respond to and contain hazardous materials including oil, mercury, and anything else that is spilled, leaked, or dangerous. The trucks carry air tanks, protective gear for firefighters to wear, and special tools for identifying and containing chemicals.
Me inside HAZMAT 34
Command center and laboratory inside HAZMAT 34

This larger HAZMAT unit carries most of the gear used in chemical fighting. They also have a walk in laboratory containing computers, extra seating a TV and a table with chemical identification equipment.
HAZMAT 53 at TVF&R Station 53
This smaller HAZMAT unit has a small command center behind the cab and a small laboratory as well as a bathroom and extra seating
Me inside the command center in HAZMAT 53

Special chemical proof suits inside HAZMAT 53

The command center inside HAZMAT 53