Wednesday, January 14, 2015


HAZMAT 34 at TVF&R Station 34
Hazardous materials response team units or HAZMAT trucks are special trucks that respond to and contain hazardous materials including oil, mercury, and anything else that is spilled, leaked, or dangerous. The trucks carry air tanks, protective gear for firefighters to wear, and special tools for identifying and containing chemicals.
Me inside HAZMAT 34
Command center and laboratory inside HAZMAT 34

This larger HAZMAT unit carries most of the gear used in chemical fighting. They also have a walk in laboratory containing computers, extra seating a TV and a table with chemical identification equipment.
HAZMAT 53 at TVF&R Station 53
This smaller HAZMAT unit has a small command center behind the cab and a small laboratory as well as a bathroom and extra seating
Me inside the command center in HAZMAT 53

Special chemical proof suits inside HAZMAT 53

The command center inside HAZMAT 53

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